Chartreux cat
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The Chartreux is an internationally-recognized breed of domestic cat. Chartreux cats are from France, reportedly originally bred by Carthusian Catholic monks at their monastery in Grenoble for the purposes of catching mice to preserve food storages from loss and damage. more...

American BobtailAmerican Bobtail
American ShorthairAmerican Shorthair
Angora CatAngora Cat
Australian MistAustralian Mist
Balinese CatBalinese Cat
Bengal CatBengal Cat
Birman CatBirman Cat
British ShorthairBritish Shorthair
Calico CatCalico Cat
California Spangled CatCalifornia Spangled Cat
Chantilly CatChantilly Cat
Colorpoint ShorthairColorpoint Shorthair
Cornish RexCornish Rex
Devon RexDevon Rex
Don SphynxDon Sphynx
Egyptian MauEgyptian Mau
European ShorthairEuropean Shorthair
Exotic CatExotic Cat
Foldex CatFoldex Cat
Havana BrownHavana Brown
Himalayan CatHimalayan Cat
Japanese BobtailJapanese Bobtail
Longhair CatLonghair Cat
Mackerel Tabby CatMackerel Tabby Cat
Maine CoonMaine Coon
Maltese CatMaltese Cat
Munchkin CatMunchkin Cat
Norwegian Forest CatNorwegian Forest Cat
Oriental LonghairOriental Longhair
Oriental ShorthairOriental Shorthair
Persian CatPersian Cat
Ragdoll CatRagdoll Cat
Russian BlueRussian Blue
Scottish FoldScottish Fold
Selkirk RexSelkirk Rex
Serengeti CatSerengeti Cat
Shorthair CatShorthair Cat
Siamese CatSiamese Cat
Snowshoe CatSnowshoe Cat
Somali CatSomali Cat
Sterling CatSterling Cat
Tabby CatTabby Cat
Turkish AngoraTurkish Angora
Turkish VanTurkish Van
York Chocolate CatYork Chocolate Cat

Legend has it the Chartreux's ancestors were feral mountain cats from what is now Syria, brought back to France by returning Crusaders in the 13th century, many of whom entered the Carthusian monastic order. The first documented mention of the breed was by the French naturalist Buffon in the 17th century. The first Chartreux were brought to the USA in 1971.

Physically, the Chartreux is large and muscular with short but powerful limbs, big paws and very fast reflexes. They are known for their blue (grey) double-thickness fur coats and gold- or copper-colored eyes. Chartreux cats are known for their "smile"; due to the structure of their heads and long, tapered muzzle, they often appear to be smiling.

Chartreux cats tend to be quiet, rarely making noises such as mewing or crying. Some are mute. They are quite observant and intelligent, with some Chartreux learning to operate radio on/off buttons and to open screen door latches. Chartreux cats are also fond of chasing and playing well into their adult years; some can be taught to fetch small objects in the same manner as a dog. Chartreux are good with children and other animals, are nonaggressive and affectionate, good travelers and are generally very healthy.

Historically famous Chartreux owners include the French novelist Colette and French general/president Charles de Gaulle.

The Chartreux breed was advanced to championship status in 1987 by the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA.)


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Ebin New York Natural Cat Chartreux Nc005 3D LashEbin New York Natural Cat Chartreux Nc005 3D Lash $4.99 Notice historique sur la pepiniere nationale des Chartreux, au Luxembourg , e-,Notice historique sur la pepiniere nationale des Chartreux, au Luxembourg , e-, $22.31
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Lps Littlest Petshop Chat Cat Chartreux HasbroLps Littlest Petshop Chat Cat Chartreux Hasbro $25.00 Piano Jazz Blues by Annick Chartreux (Sheet Music)Piano Jazz Blues by Annick Chartreux (Sheet Music) $25.00
Chartreux Needlepoint Kit or CanvasChartreux Needlepoint Kit or Canvas $50.00 to Peacocks - L'Huile Des Chartreux Oil Bottle c1910 PostcardPeacocks - L'Huile Des Chartreux Oil Bottle c1910 Postcard $12.50
Chartreux: Cat Breed Complete Guide by Shurpatenko, Ruslana, Like New Used, F.Chartreux: Cat Breed Complete Guide by Shurpatenko, Ruslana, Like New Used, F. $16.03 Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Can Badge Pin & Keychain Chartreux Westia Set Lot of 2Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Can Badge Pin & Keychain Chartreux Westia Set Lot of 2 $69.95
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Chartreux Hawaiian Shirt, Cool Hawaiian Shirt For Cat Lovers Hawaiian Men, CasuaChartreux Hawaiian Shirt, Cool Hawaiian Shirt For Cat Lovers Hawaiian Men, Casua $13.49 to Samoyed and Chartreux cat relaxing under a tree watercol 8x10 PrintSamoyed and Chartreux cat relaxing under a tree watercol 8x10 Print $20.00
Le desert de la Grande-Chartreuse, ou Histoire des chartreuxLe desert de la Grande-Chartreuse, ou Histoire des chartreux $44.70 Cat Breed Bookmark - Hand Made - Choose Breed - Laminated 5 ml thick - 8" x 3"Cat Breed Bookmark - Hand Made - Choose Breed - Laminated 5 ml thick - 8" x 3" $10.62
Cat Coffee Mug (Chartreux and Turkish Van, Cat Lovers Collectable Cats)Cat Coffee Mug (Chartreux and Turkish Van, Cat Lovers Collectable Cats) $5.00 1905 Saone River View Old Steamers & Chartreux Lyon France Vintage Postcard1905 Saone River View Old Steamers & Chartreux Lyon France Vintage Postcard $7.99
Watercolor Chartreux Cat Art Print 8x11 inchWatercolor Chartreux Cat Art Print 8x11 inch $17.50 Chartreux Cat By Jean SimonnetChartreux Cat By Jean Simonnet $111.49
Du Creux - Vie De Saint-Bruno Instituteur De L'Ordre Des Chartreux - T9000zDu Creux - Vie De Saint-Bruno Instituteur De L'Ordre Des Chartreux - T9000z $49.87 Chartreux Cat ShirtChartreux Cat Shirt $26.89 to
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The History of the Great Chartreuse by 1837-1900 ChartreuxThe History of the Great Chartreuse by 1837-1900 Chartreux $33.29 Christopher Vine Australia Presents The Mob Oliver Chartreux Tabby 16 Oz MugChristopher Vine Australia Presents The Mob Oliver Chartreux Tabby 16 Oz Mug $19.99
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Vie Du P�re Dom Jean Sallier, de l'Ordre Des Chartreux, 1806-1861 (Paperback orVie Du P�re Dom Jean Sallier, de l'Ordre Des Chartreux, 1806-1861 (Paperback or $34.88 Le B. Ayrald, chanoine regulier et non chartreux avant son episcopat, a M. le-,Le B. Ayrald, chanoine regulier et non chartreux avant son episcopat, a M. le-, $27.84
St Vincent #Sg5853c Mnh 2010 Chartreux [3728c Mi6851]St Vincent #Sg5853c Mnh 2010 Chartreux [3728c Mi6851] $2.88 El)2015 Sierra Leone, Cats, Chartreux, Kurilian Bobtail, Devon Rex, Toyger 55000El)2015 Sierra Leone, Cats, Chartreux, Kurilian Bobtail, Devon Rex, Toyger 55000 $12.99
Chartreux Cat By Christmas Tree Greeting Cards Envelopes Pack 8 Dac7203Gca7PChartreux Cat By Christmas Tree Greeting Cards Envelopes Pack 8 Dac7203Gca7P $16.99 Chartreux Table Oil 1905 Color Litho Advertising PostcardChartreux Table Oil 1905 Color Litho Advertising Postcard $12.99
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Berseaux - L'ordre Des Chartreux Et La Chartreuse De Bosserville - Ne - T9000zBerseaux - L'ordre Des Chartreux Et La Chartreuse De Bosserville - Ne - T9000z $38.39 Christmas Santa with Presents and Chartreux Cat House Flag Outdoor DecorChristmas Santa with Presents and Chartreux Cat House Flag Outdoor Decor $24.99
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Cat Lovers Limited Collectible Turkish Van Cat / Chartreux Cat 12 oz. Coffee CupCat Lovers Limited Collectible Turkish Van Cat / Chartreux Cat 12 oz. Coffee Cup $19.88 Chartreux CatChartreux Cat $80.07
Chartreuse 1930s French Advertising Menu, Peres Chartreux, Tarragone, CarriageChartreuse 1930s French Advertising Menu, Peres Chartreux, Tarragone, Carriage $19.99 Christmas Let it Snow Chartreux Kitten House Flag Outdoor DecorChristmas Let it Snow Chartreux Kitten House Flag Outdoor Decor $24.99
Chartreux Cats I Love Reflective License FrameChartreux Cats I Love Reflective License Frame $22.99 B6736 Le Puits de Moise dans l’ancien Couvent des Chartreux, Dijon, France DB6736 Le Puits de Moise dans l’ancien Couvent des Chartreux, Dijon, France D $2.95
Spoiled Rotten Chartreux Cat Double Sided Polyester Decorative House FlagSpoiled Rotten Chartreux Cat Double Sided Polyester Decorative House Flag $24.99 Cat Lovers Limited Collectible Cats Turkish Van Chartreux Coffee Tea Mug CupCat Lovers Limited Collectible Cats Turkish Van Chartreux Coffee Tea Mug Cup $10.62
Dnd Dc Cat Eyes Led/Uv Magnetic Design Gel Polish- 0.6oz 18ml - Pick Any.Dnd Dc Cat Eyes Led/Uv Magnetic Design Gel Polish- 0.6oz 18ml - Pick Any. $11.99 Let it Snow Christmas Chartreux Kitten Dog Woven Throw Sherpa Blanket T70Let it Snow Christmas Chartreux Kitten Dog Woven Throw Sherpa Blanket T70 $75.90 to
Histoire de Gouberdom, Portier des Chartreux 1946 Ltd Ed #317/450 Inv2890Histoire de Gouberdom, Portier des Chartreux 1946 Ltd Ed #317/450 Inv2890 $155.00 Houston Harvest Cat Lovers Limited Coffee Mugs Set of 3 Turkish Van Chartreux +Houston Harvest Cat Lovers Limited Coffee Mugs Set of 3 Turkish Van Chartreux + $14.00
Chartreux Cat Sleep In Rainbow Angel Wing Ornament, Cat Memorial Christmas GiftChartreux Cat Sleep In Rainbow Angel Wing Ornament, Cat Memorial Christmas Gift $19.54 Houston Harvest Hh Chartreux Turkish Van Cat Lovers Mug (C3)Houston Harvest Hh Chartreux Turkish Van Cat Lovers Mug (C3) $10.00
Exotic Cats Portraits Chinchilla Chartreux Manx Cards Diamond Collage ScrapbookExotic Cats Portraits Chinchilla Chartreux Manx Cards Diamond Collage Scrapbook $3.00 Histoire De Dom B. : Portier Des Chartreux - Au Cercle du Livre Precieux, 1960.Histoire De Dom B. : Portier Des Chartreux - Au Cercle du Livre Precieux, 1960. $150.00
Spoiled Rotten Chartreux Cat Polyester Double Sided Decorative House FlagSpoiled Rotten Chartreux Cat Polyester Double Sided Decorative House Flag $24.99 Le Portier des Chartreux by Jean-Charles Gervaise De Latouche (French) PaperbackLe Portier des Chartreux by Jean-Charles Gervaise De Latouche (French) Paperback $22.16
Cat Lovers Limited Turkish Van And Chartreux Kitty Coffee Mug Houston HarvestCat Lovers Limited Turkish Van And Chartreux Kitty Coffee Mug Houston Harvest $10.45 Maltese and Chartreux cat in a playful setting watercolo 8x10 PrintMaltese and Chartreux cat in a playful setting watercolo 8x10 Print $20.00
Circulée 1906 - Couvent De La Grande-Chartreuse - Expulsion Des PÉRes ChartreuxCirculée 1906 - Couvent De La Grande-Chartreuse - Expulsion Des PÉRes Chartreux $4.47 Chartreux Cat Wallet for Women Hand PaintedChartreux Cat Wallet for Women Hand Painted $39.00
Le désert de la Grande-Chartreuse, ou Histoire des chartreux d'a [Leather Bound]Le désert de la Grande-Chartreuse, ou Histoire des chartreux d'a [Leather Bound] $81.19 2 Houston Harvest Cat Lovers Mug Limited Collectable Cats 12oz Chartreux Turkish2 Houston Harvest Cat Lovers Mug Limited Collectable Cats 12oz Chartreux Turkish $25.00
Chartreux - De La Vie Et Des Moeurs Des Chanoines. - New paperback - T9000zChartreux - De La Vie Et Des Moeurs Des Chanoines. - New paperback - T9000z $40.32 Dnd Daisy Dc Gel Cat Eyes Collection - Select Your Colors - nail polish magneticDnd Daisy Dc Gel Cat Eyes Collection - Select Your Colors - nail polish magnetic $5.99 to
Cat Lovers Limited Collectable Coffee Mug Turkish Van Cat & Chartreux Cat MugCat Lovers Limited Collectable Coffee Mug Turkish Van Cat & Chartreux Cat Mug $12.77 Vintage Cat Print, Chartreux, Lithograph 1988, Piero CozzaglioVintage Cat Print, Chartreux, Lithograph 1988, Piero Cozzaglio $9.99
Watercolor Animal Gaming Mouse Mat Pad Rectangle Mousepad For Computer LaptopWatercolor Animal Gaming Mouse Mat Pad Rectangle Mousepad For Computer Laptop $8.99 Chartreux Cat Cartoon Pop-Art T-Shirt Tee, Men Women's Youth Tank Short LongChartreux Cat Cartoon Pop-Art T-Shirt Tee, Men Women's Youth Tank Short Long $22.99 to
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Prices current as of last update, 03/11/25 10:01am.

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