American Foxhound
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American Foxhound

The American Foxhound is cousin to the English Foxhound. They are scent hounds, bred to hunt by scent. more...

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The American foxhound is about 21-25 inches tall to the withers, and weighs anywhere between 65-75 pounds. Its legs are very long and straight-boned. The foxhound’s chest is rather narrow. It has a long muzzle, and a large, domed skull. The ears are wide and low-set. The eyes are hazel or brown, and are large and wide-set. The coat is short and rough.


The American Foxhound is sweet, kind, loyal, and loving at home. On the hunt, however, the foxhound is a warrior. Once a scent is picked up, the foxhound will follow it, neglectful of commands.


This breed is not generally a breed that carries genetic disorders. Do not overfeed these dogs, as they easily gain weight. A minor health risk in American Foxhounds is thrombocytopathy, or platelet disease.

The breed's lifespan is generally 10-13 years.


In 1650, Robert Brooke sailed to Crown Colony in America with his pack of hunting dogs, which were the root of several strains of American Hounds. These dogs remained in the Brooke’s family for nearly 300 years.

George Washington received French Foxhounds as a gift from Lafayette. He bred his dogs with that of Brooke’s, creating the present day American Foxhound.

The new breed was originally used for hunting Indians. Later, they became great hunters of wild animals, and that is how most are used still today.


The American Foxhound is a very energetic breed. It needs plenty of exercise, a fairly long walk followed by fetch.


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Prices current as of last update, 02/06/25 10:21am.

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