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The Dobermann (alternatively spelled Doberman in North America) or Doberman Pinscher is a breed of domestic dog. more...

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Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher
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Field SpanielField Spaniel
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Fox TerrierFox Terrier
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German Shorthaired PointerGerman Shorthaired Pointer
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German Wirehaired PointerGerman Wirehaired Pointer
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Great DaneGreat Dane
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Ibizan HoundIbizan Hound
Irish Bull TerrierIrish Bull Terrier
Irish Red And White SetterIrish Red And White Setter
Irish SetterIrish Setter
Irish TerrierIrish Terrier
Irish Water SpanielIrish Water Spaniel
Irish WolfhoundIrish Wolfhound
Italian GreyhoundItalian Greyhound
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Japanese ChinJapanese Chin
Japanese SpitzJapanese Spitz
Japanese TerrierJapanese Terrier
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Kerry Blue TerrierKerry Blue Terrier
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Pinscher Pinscher
Pit BullPit Bull
Plott HoundPlott Hound
Polish Lowland SheepdogPolish Lowland Sheepdog
Portuguese Water DogPortuguese Water Dog
Pyrenean Mountain DogPyrenean Mountain Dog
Pyrenean ShepherdPyrenean Shepherd
Rat TerrierRat Terrier
Redbone CoonhoundRedbone Coonhound
Rhodesian RidgebackRhodesian Ridgeback
Rough CollieRough Collie
Russell TerrierRussell Terrier
Sabueso EspanolSabueso Espanol
Saint BernardSaint Bernard
Scottish TerrierScottish Terrier
Sealyham TerrierSealyham Terrier
Shar PeiShar Pei
Shetland SheepdogShetland Sheepdog
Shiba InuShiba Inu
Shih TzuShih Tzu
Shiloh Shepherd DogShiloh Shepherd Dog
Siberian HuskySiberian Husky
Skye TerrierSkye Terrier
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Soft-coated Wheaten TerrierSoft-coated Wheaten Terrier
Spanish MastiffSpanish Mastiff
Spinone ItalianoSpinone Italiano
St. BernardSt. Bernard
Staffordshire Bull TerrierStaffordshire Bull Terrier
Standard SchnauzerStandard Schnauzer
Teddy Roosevelt TerrierTeddy Roosevelt Terrier
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Tibetan SpanielTibetan Spaniel
Tibetan TerrierTibetan Terrier
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Toy Fox TerrierToy Fox Terrier
Toy Manchester TerrierToy Manchester Terrier
Volpino ItalianoVolpino Italiano
Welsh CorgiWelsh Corgi
Welsh Springer SpanielWelsh Springer Spaniel
Welsh TerrierWelsh Terrier
West Highland White TerrierWest Highland White Terrier
Wirehaired Pointing GriffonWirehaired Pointing Griffon
Yorkshire TerrierYorkshire Terrier

Dobermanns are commonly used as guard dogs, watch dogs, or police dogs, and have a reputation as being a dog that is loyal and intelligent, is suitable for families with young children and are trusting companion dogs (in keeping with Herr Dobermann's original intention as a trustworthy guard dog on his job). This is why he developed the breed and it is because of their loyalty that people of disrepute have, in the past, trained these dogs to behave not so well. However, these are equally trainable to be loving home pets and alert obedient canines.


A Dobermann bitch's shoulder height is about 24 inches (61 cm) and weight is about 75 to 80 pounds (34 to 36 kg), whereas the male stands about 26 or 27 inches (66 to 68 cm) at the shoulder and weighs around 90 pounds (41 kg).

Dobermanns typically have a very deep, broad chest, a thick but fit body, and a generally muscular build. However, in recent years some breeders have primarily bred, shown, and sold a much slimmer or slender-looking Dobermann (as seen in the picture). This has become a popular body type among many buyers, especially those who want to show their Dobies competitively. The traditional body type is still more desirable to many casual owners and to those who want the dog for security reasons.


Most people picture a Dobermann's color as the typical black with brown markings. However, the existence of two different color genes in Dobermanns provides four different phenotypes in Dobermann color. The traditional color, produced when both genes have the dominant allele, is commonly referred to as black or black and tan, while the most common variation, due to one gene having the recessive allele, produces what is called a red or red and tan Doberman in America and a "brown" Dobermann in the rest of the world, which is primarily deep reddish-brown with tan markings.

The other gene having the recessive allele, while the first one retains the dominant, produces the blue (grey) Dobermann, whereas the least likely combination of both color genes having recessive alleles produces fawn, which is a light tan color, often called isabella.

In the 1970s, a fifth color of Dobermann, dubbed the white Dobermann, was born and she was subsequently bred to her son who was also bred to his litter sisters. This tight inbreeding went on for some time so certain breeders could "fix" the mutation, which has been widely marketed. Dobermanns of this color possess a genetic mutation, which prevents its pigment proteins from being manufactured, regardless of the genotypes of either of the two color genes; that is, it is an albino. Though many potential Dobermann owners find the color beautiful, albino Dobermanns, like albinos of other species, face increased risk of cancer and other diseases and should avoid sun exposure as much as possible. The popularity of the white Dobermann has died down dramatically as the risks have become known, with many people even calling for an end to the breeding and marketing of the white Dobermann, because they perceive it as cruelty to the animal. Some countries have made the purposeful breeding of the white Dobermann illegal, but breeders who care and take note of the ancestors can avoid breeding albinos as they are all descended from the original bitch.


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Prices current as of last update, 02/03/25 10:35pm.

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