East Indian coolies on a Trinidad Cacao Estate, circa 1903.Newly arrived Indian coolies in Trinidad.
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The term "coolie" refers to unskilled laborers from Asia in the 1800s to early 1900s who were sent to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, North Africa, Sri Lanka and the West Indies. more...

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Australian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle Dog
Australian KelpieAustralian Kelpie
Australian ShepherdAustralian Shepherd
Australian Silky TerrierAustralian Silky Terrier
Australian TerrierAustralian Terrier
Basset HoundBasset Hound
Bearded CollieBearded Collie
Bedlington TerrierBedlington Terrier
Bernese Mountain DogBernese Mountain Dog
Black And Tan CoonhoundBlack And Tan Coonhound
Black Russian TerrierBlack Russian Terrier
Bluetick CoonhoundBluetick Coonhound
Border CollieBorder Collie
Border TerrierBorder Terrier
Boston TerrierBoston Terrier
Bouvier Des FlandresBouvier Des Flandres
Boykin SpanielBoykin Spaniel
Brazilian TerrierBrazilian Terrier
Brussels GriffonBrussels Griffon
Bull TerrierBull Terrier
Cairn TerrierCairn Terrier
Canaan DogCanaan Dog
Canadian Eskimo DogCanadian Eskimo Dog
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Cocker SpanielCocker Spaniel
Coton De TulearCoton De Tulear
Curly Coated RetrieverCurly Coated Retriever
Dandie Dinmont TerrierDandie Dinmont Terrier
Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher
Dogue De BordeauxDogue De Bordeaux
English Cocker SpanielEnglish Cocker Spaniel
English FoxhoundEnglish Foxhound
English MastiffEnglish Mastiff
English PointerEnglish Pointer
English SetterEnglish Setter
English ShepherdEnglish Shepherd
English Springer SpanielEnglish Springer Spaniel
Field SpanielField Spaniel
Fila BrasileiroFila Brasileiro
Finnish LapphundFinnish Lapphund
Finnish SpitzFinnish Spitz
Flat-coated RetrieverFlat-coated Retriever
Fox TerrierFox Terrier
French BulldogFrench Bulldog
German Shepherd DogGerman Shepherd Dog
German Shorthaired PointerGerman Shorthaired Pointer
German SpitzGerman Spitz
German Wirehaired PointerGerman Wirehaired Pointer
Giant SchnauzerGiant Schnauzer
Glen Of Imaal TerrierGlen Of Imaal Terrier
Golden RetrieverGolden Retriever
Gordon SetterGordon Setter
Great DaneGreat Dane
Greater Swiss Mountain DogGreater Swiss Mountain Dog
Griffon BruxelloisGriffon Bruxellois
Hungarian VizslaHungarian Vizsla
Ibizan HoundIbizan Hound
Irish Bull TerrierIrish Bull Terrier
Irish Red And White SetterIrish Red And White Setter
Irish SetterIrish Setter
Irish TerrierIrish Terrier
Irish Water SpanielIrish Water Spaniel
Irish WolfhoundIrish Wolfhound
Italian GreyhoundItalian Greyhound
Jack Russell TerrierJack Russell Terrier
Japanese ChinJapanese Chin
Japanese SpitzJapanese Spitz
Japanese TerrierJapanese Terrier
Karelian Bear DogKarelian Bear Dog
Kerry Blue TerrierKerry Blue Terrier
King Charles SpanielKing Charles Spaniel
Labrador RetrieverLabrador Retriever
Lagotto RomagnoloLagotto Romagnolo
Lakeland TerrierLakeland Terrier
Lancashire HeelerLancashire Heeler
Lhasa ApsoLhasa Apso
Manchester TerrierManchester Terrier
Mexican HairlessMexican Hairless
Miniature Australian...Miniature Australian...
Miniature Fox TerrierMiniature Fox Terrier
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Miniature SchnauzerMiniature Schnauzer
Mixed-breed DogMixed-breed Dog
Neapolitan MastiffNeapolitan Mastiff
Norfolk TerrierNorfolk Terrier
Norwegian BuhundNorwegian Buhund
Norwegian ElkhoundNorwegian Elkhound
Norwich TerrierNorwich Terrier
Nova Scotia Duck-tolling...Nova Scotia Duck-tolling...
Old English BulldogOld English Bulldog
Old English SheepdogOld English Sheepdog
Parson Russell TerrierParson Russell Terrier
Patterdale TerrierPatterdale Terrier
Pembroke Welsh CorgiPembroke Welsh Corgi
Peruvian Hairless DogPeruvian Hairless Dog
Petit Basset Griffon VendeenPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Pharaoh HoundPharaoh Hound
Pinscher Pinscher
Pit BullPit Bull
Plott HoundPlott Hound
Polish Lowland SheepdogPolish Lowland Sheepdog
Portuguese Water DogPortuguese Water Dog
Pyrenean Mountain DogPyrenean Mountain Dog
Pyrenean ShepherdPyrenean Shepherd
Rat TerrierRat Terrier
Redbone CoonhoundRedbone Coonhound
Rhodesian RidgebackRhodesian Ridgeback
Rough CollieRough Collie
Russell TerrierRussell Terrier
Sabueso EspanolSabueso Espanol
Saint BernardSaint Bernard
Scottish TerrierScottish Terrier
Sealyham TerrierSealyham Terrier
Shar PeiShar Pei
Shetland SheepdogShetland Sheepdog
Shiba InuShiba Inu
Shih TzuShih Tzu
Shiloh Shepherd DogShiloh Shepherd Dog
Siberian HuskySiberian Husky
Skye TerrierSkye Terrier
Smooth CollieSmooth Collie
Soft-coated Wheaten TerrierSoft-coated Wheaten Terrier
Spanish MastiffSpanish Mastiff
Spinone ItalianoSpinone Italiano
St. BernardSt. Bernard
Staffordshire Bull TerrierStaffordshire Bull Terrier
Standard SchnauzerStandard Schnauzer
Teddy Roosevelt TerrierTeddy Roosevelt Terrier
Tibetan MastiffTibetan Mastiff
Tibetan SpanielTibetan Spaniel
Tibetan TerrierTibetan Terrier
Toy BulldogToy Bulldog
Toy Fox TerrierToy Fox Terrier
Toy Manchester TerrierToy Manchester Terrier
Volpino ItalianoVolpino Italiano
Welsh CorgiWelsh Corgi
Welsh Springer SpanielWelsh Springer Spaniel
Welsh TerrierWelsh Terrier
West Highland White TerrierWest Highland White Terrier
Wirehaired Pointing GriffonWirehaired Pointing Griffon
Yorkshire TerrierYorkshire Terrier

The term usually referred to Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Korean laborers and was often used in a derogatory way.

Origin and general usage

The word may derive from the Chinese word 苦力 kǔ lì which literally means "bitterly hard (use of) strength". However, Webster's New World Dictionary of the English Language traces it back to the Hindi qūlī, which means "hired laborer." Other forms occur in the Bengali, kuli and the Tamil, kuli, "daily hire." The following statement explains why coolie labor was imported for colonial enterprises: "In tropical countries where white labor is impossible, there arose with the abolition of slavery a need for cheap labor capable of doing the heavy tasks of plantations, factories, and shipping."

In India, "coolie" refers to porters who work at railway stations. In Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and other parts of the Caribbean, as well as Sri Lanka and South Africa, the word is considered an offensive racial slur on par with "nigger."

Regional usage

British Empire

In the British Empire, a "coolie" was an indentured labourer with conditions resembling slavery. The system had been inaugurated in 1842 and involved the use of licensed agents. Slavery itself had been banished from the British Empire in 1834. The need to replace the slaves generated the use of laborers who were only slightly better off than the slaves had been. In India and South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi led a campaign against such indentured servitude. Many "coolies" who entered Africa stayed there permanently, effectively becoming immigrants.

The permanent settlement of formerly indentured Indians created problems in Africa, in particular. The Natal province of the Union of South Africa and Kenya amassed clusters of such immigrants. In the Transvaal, after the conclusion of the Boer War, the deficiency of native labor in the Rand mines led to the enactment of an ordinance in February, 1904, providing for the importation of Chinese laborers. The Boer element in the Transvaal was bitterly opposed to the ordinance as tending to introduce a new factor into the already serious racial problem of South Africa. The issue was largely responsible for the Liberal triumph in the United Kingdom general election, 1906, by which time over 50,000 Asiatic laborers had been imported. The decision to put an end to the system affected firstly Natal and Mauritius in 1910 and other places afterwards in 1917.

The Americas

Chinese coolies contributed to the building of the Transcontinental Railroad in the United States, as well as the Canadian Pacific Railway in Western Canada, but many of the Chinese laborers were not welcome to stay after its completion. California's Anti-Coolie Act of 1862 and Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 also contributed to the oppression of Chinese laborers in the United States. Coolies also labored in the sugarcane fields of Cuba well after the 1884 abolition of slavery in that country. Before the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Havana had Latin America's largest Chinatown. In South America, Coolies labored in Peru's coastal economy (guano, sugar, cotton) from the early-1850s to the mid-1870s; about 100,000 came as indentured workers. They had an infamous participation in the War of the Pacific as they looted and burned down the haciendas outlying Lima where they worked right after Lima fell to the invading Chilean army in January 1880.

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Click to see more Coolie items at www.ebay.com
Prices current as of last update, 02/01/25 7:01pm.

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