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Griffon Bruxellois

The Griffon Bruxellois or Brussels Griffon is a breed of dog, named for the city of their origin, Brussels, Belgium. more...

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Part of the toy dog category, the breed is generally small, with a flat face, prominent chin, and large wide-set eyes that gives the Griffon an almost human expression—and they are often compared to an Ewok.


The Griffon Bruxellois is really three dogs rolled into one, the Griffon Bruxellois, the Griffon Belge and the Petit Brabançon. Identical in standard except for coat and colour differences, in most standards they are considered varieties of the same breed, much like Belgian Sheepdogs.

A sturdy toy dog with a thick set, well balanced body, that should give a squared appearance in proportion when viewed from the side. A proper Griffon should be muscular, compact and well-boned, and should not seem delicate, racy or overly cobby. The Griffon will often feel heavier than it is for such a small size. Because they are judged by weight rather than shoulder height, proper proportioning is essential to determine if a dog is too fat, too slim or too tall for their size.

Weight standards, especially upper range disqualification, vary from standards, but the ideal weight is 3.6–4.5 kg (8–10 lb) for both sexes.

The neck is medium length and arched slightly. The chest is deep, and the back level. The tail, either cropped to one-third it's length or natural in standards than allow for that, should be set high, and when showing, should express the alert, keen demeanor of the breed. Kinked tails are not uncommon in the breed, and cannot be shown unless they can be cropped below the kink to standard.


The head is the most important characteristic of this breed, and the most well defined aspect of the standard.

The rounded head should be large to the body, but should not appear to unbalance the dog. Depending on the standard, the forehead will be referred to as "rounded" or "domed". In either case, the appearance or the skull should be of a circle (minus the features of the muzzle) rather than an oval, and the forehead should not bulge or protrude.

The ears should be high set but well apart, small, and carried semi-erect if natural. They can be cropped; no preference is given.

The dark, wide set, black rimmed eyes are very large and expressive, giving the face its essential human-like qualities. They should be prominent but not bulging.

The nose is broad with wide nostrils, black, and set at the same level as the eyes. There should be a very pronounced stop, and the muzzle between the nose and forehead should not be more than 1.5 cm in length. Many standards prefer the stop to be so strong as to leave no visible distance between the nose and forehead. The nose should angle upwards. The muzzle from nose to chin should not be in line with the face, instead, it should slope towards the skull, giving a turned up or layback look. The broad chin should be undershot and prominent, sweeping up to the lips.


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Prices current as of last update, 02/06/25 1:35pm.

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