Tricolor Collie with training dumbbell.Blue merle Smooth Collie
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Smooth Collie

A Smooth Collie is a breed of dog developed originally for herding. It is a short-coated version of the Rough Collie of Lassie fame. Some breed organizations consider the smooth-coat and rough-coat dogs to be variations of the same breed. more...

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The Smooth Collie is a medium to large dog, ranging in size from 20-26 inches at the shoulder and weighing 40-75 pounds. Standard size for the breed is on the larger end of the range in the United States and Canada, smaller elsewhere; for example, for the AKC, the range is 22 to 26 inches (56-66 cm) and 50 to 75 pounds (22.5-34 kg). In all standards, females should be significantly smaller than males. The Smooth Collie is slightly longer than it is tall, with a level back and a deep chest. The features of the head, particularly the "sweet" expression, are considered very important in the show ring. The breed has a long muzzle, flat skull, and semi-erect ears (although, in practice, the ears typically must be folded over and taped in puppyhood, or they will be fully upright in the adult dog).


The coat consists of a soft, extremely dense undercoat and straight, harsh outer guard hairs. The guard hairs are one to two inches long, with the longer hair mainly in a ruff around the neck and on the backs of the thighs. The coat requires a thorough weekly brushing. Shedding is moderate most of the year, heavy during the twice-yearly shedding season.


Smooth Collies come in four colors, three of which are considered acceptable by all standards worldwide. The universally accepted colors are sable (Lassie's color; can be light gold to deep mahogany), tricolor (mainly black with tan markings), and blue merle (silvery gray marbled with black), all marked with white areas on the chest, neck, feet/legs, and tail tip. Kennel clubs in the United States and Canada also accept white, sometimes called color-headed white. These Collies are predominantly white, with heads (and usually a body spot) of one of the other three colors.


The Smooth Collie is generally a sociable, easily trained family dog. Although not an aggressive breed, they are alert and vocal, making them both good watchdogs if well trained and potential nuisances if allowed to bark indiscriminately. This breed of dog needs a lot of attention and is not for the inexperienced dog owner. Training this breed requires a light touch, as they are sensitive to correction and will balk at harsh treatment. They get along well with children and sometimes other animals, usually getting along with other dogs. Smooth Collies tend to have retained more herding instincts than the rough variety, and have noticeably higher energy levels.

Smooth Collies are used both as family pets and in obedience competition, agility, herding trials, and other dog sports. Some are still used as working sheepdogs. They are also useful as service animals for the disabled, and are being trained in some instances as guide dogs for the blind.


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Prices current as of last update, 01/30/25 1:21pm.

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